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Parish Life

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Sodality of Our Lady of The Sacred Heart

The Sodality of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart fosters in its members a devotion to Our Blessed Mother through personal holiness and faithful actions. These actions include service during Mass, such as carrying the gifts in the Offertory Procession, and leading the congregation in prayer for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Prior to Mass, members often lead the Rosary. Members help to foster the growth of the Sacred Heart community and are involved in charitable acts supporting our parish and the larger Charleston Community. The members of the Sodality of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart grow together as they strive to honor Mary, the Mother of God, in their daily life by imitating her many virtues.


Membership is open to young ladies who have received First Holy Communion and have not yet graduated from high school.


The Sodality meets once per month following a 10am Mass and for special activities.


Contact Brooke Diaz for more information.

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee hosts monthly potlucks, coffee and doughnut events, and other fellowship events. Please contact the church office for more details.


Contact Brooke Waddell for more information.

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Ladies of Charity

The Sacred Heart Ladies of Charity are a group of women that meet once a month after the 10am Sunday Mass . Their motto is, “To serve rather than be served in humility, simplicity, and charity.” They work each year on three main charity fundraisers for our community: Birthright Shower, Angel Tree, Spring Collection of Purses and Toiletries. We welcome all ladies of the parish to join.


Contact Dawn Gurrieri for more information.


Adoration takes place every First Friday after Mass at 7 AM and goes until Benediction and Mass at 6:30 PM.

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Become A Parishoner

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