Sacraments of Initiation
First Communion
Child must be registered in a Catholic School or Religious Education Instruction. Email Director of Religious Education Sandy Funk for more information.
Child or adult must be registered in a Catholic School or Religious Education Instruction. Email Director of Religious Education Sandy Funk for more information.
RCIA begins in September and runs until the Easter Vigil. Our program is affiliated with The Citadel. Email Citadel Campus Minister Tony Licari for more information.
Family Catechism
Sacred Heart's Family Catechism program supports the Catechism's (CCC 2223 and 2226) teaching that parents have the first responsibility for the education and faith formation of their children. Our Family Catechism program helps families grow in holiness and Truth in order to live out our Baptismal promises to raise our children in the Catholic faith. In doing so, our family-based approach to Catechism also enriches our parish community as we worship together at Mass and bear witness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Parents will be given the resources for guidance and instruction of their child(ren) at home with further support provided through monthly meetings. The meetings are normally scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month. Children will also attend the monthly meetings with their parents. Father West and Deacon Gary Ludlum present Catholic teachings and respond to engaging questions on specific topics at the monthly meetings. Email Sandy Funk for more information.